‘Energy Charge’ Defies Everything I Hate About Video Art
If I wanted to enjoy cinema, I’d go to a theater or stay home and not have to deal with assholes walking in front of the screen every 10 seconds or muttering that they don’t understand it to everyone within earshot.

One Day Your Ears Will Ache Like Mine Ache: The Body & Full of Hell at 51 West
It’s hard to distinguish individual songs within the cramped, rumbling ball of sound they make onstage. It does what heavy music does best: It creates vibrations so powerful I can feel my clothes shake and pressure build in my guts.

Phoenix Has Its Own Superhero And He’s Totally Awesome.
The 42 year old L.A. transplant dresses in all black and refuses to be photographed. He wears a mask when he paints live to hide his identity.