Top 5 Things You Really Don’t Care About But The Title Is Fucking Catchy So You’ll Waste 20 Minutes Anyway
Anything to liberate you from the lackluster task of sitting in an office, staring at a computer screen for eight hours. And now you're stuck in that beautiful limbo of useless, attractive information saturation that you will promptly forget on the train ride home.

We’re Pretty Sure All the Kids in this 1993 Rave Video are High as Fuck
Jill Rappaport tells us about this 'underground explosion raging across the country,' sounding like a PR person for Doritos. Jill goes to a rave, where she interviews a large amount of 'young people' about what raving is about. It's kind of endearing. But here's the thing: every single one of those kids in that video...

How I learned to stop worrying and love psychedelic drugs
Life, as much as drug abuse, benefits greatly from the virtue of delayed gratification, so as to most magnify the contrast between the altered state and reality itself. Otherwise, it becomes your subjective reality and loses its majesty.

Happiness Is Overrated
The bottles went from brown and clear to opaque orange. In other parts of the world kids are happy to have rice and water, our kids want to shoot up schools and put hamsters in the microwave.