“Paterson” Takes Us On A Tour Through A Working Artist’s Life
We took the scenic route on "Paterson", Jim Jarmusch's magic bus of a movie.... and our critic liked what he saw.

Dial Z For Zine Reviews
Zines are cool, like punk rock and sex with attractive people and drugs that get you high. Here are some reviews of zines and places you can get them.

Exclusive: Excerpts from Troy Farah’s New Zine, ‘Lilliputian.’
de'Lunula Media are proud to present our latest zine: Lilliputian, by Troy Farah. It's 22 pages of poems, flash fiction and other manic-depressive scraps. Read some of it here, then go pick up a copy. It's available here at our brand new store.

In The Heaven of Tomorrow — A Typewriter Poem by Monkspy
I WILL begin again.. but not at the beginning.