![‘You Weren’t There’ Exhibit Captures Phx Punk History With No Context [Fotos] ‘You Weren’t There’ Exhibit Captures Phx Punk History With No Context [Fotos]](https://delunula.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/IMG_2920-290x290.jpg)
‘You Weren’t There’ Exhibit Captures Phx Punk History With No Context [Fotos]
I’ve visited “You Weren’t There” twice so far, and the one thing that leaped out at me both times I was there was the lack of context. But the lack of any kind of explanation for what we see at “You Weren’t There” MAKES the exhibition and gives it a certain power that detailed scholarship...

Fathers Day – ‘Disney World’ (Music Video Premiere)
Filmed at the Trunk Space just months before its closure, the video features the Dads destroying a bowling alley, lighting off fireworks, and smashing faces in cake.

Scenes From Semi-Social at The Trunk Space (Plus a Video)
So a lot of great bands played at Trunk Space on Friday, one of the last shows before the venue closes.

Announcing PHX SUX, Our ‘Fuck You I Love You Phoenix’ Art Show, Plus de’Lunula Screeners #4!
We're hosting PHX SUX, a lovely art exhibit at The Trunk Space — the same kickass venue where we've hosted our weirdo video marathonsde'Lunula Screeners 1-3... In fact, PHX SUX is the VERY LAST art exhibit at The Trunk Space because The Trunk Space is closing. Maybe forever. Oh no!

Strange Rumblings At The Indie 500
The Trunk Space is a place where it's safe to be weird and have fun.

Go To This. Cream Yourself. Tell No One, Ever.
Hey tweeks and cheeks, de'Lunula is hosting a super cool short film showcase at The Trunk Space on January 10th.