Warren Ellis’ “Normal” Is A Mad Trip On A “Speeding Death Kaleidoscope Made Out Of Tits”
Warren Ellis' new novel "Normal" is a tensely written, fascinating, hilarious, and unnerving look at our insanity-inducing future.

“Chaos 17” Had Method To Its Madness
At Chaos Theory 17, art reigns supreme. For one weekend only, the walls of Legend City Studios were covered in a dizzying array of artwork from local masters and up & comers.

Dial Z For Zine Reviews
Zines are cool, like punk rock and sex with attractive people and drugs that get you high. Here are some reviews of zines and places you can get them.

‘Energy Charge’ Defies Everything I Hate About Video Art
If I wanted to enjoy cinema, I’d go to a theater or stay home and not have to deal with assholes walking in front of the screen every 10 seconds or muttering that they don’t understand it to everyone within earshot.

Absurd Gore, Unflattering Nudity, and Lots of Grease in ‘The Greasy Strangler’
The wonderful thing about being an unknown indie director in the movie industry is you have limitless potential to achieve the true creative vision of your film. Hosking’s visions are fucking disgusting.

Nick Cave’s ‘One More Time With Feeling’ Will Rip Out Your Heart
“One More Time With Feeling” rarely hits any false notes. It feels authentic and truthful in a way that makes most other music documentaries feel like forgeries.

One Day Your Ears Will Ache Like Mine Ache: The Body & Full of Hell at 51 West
It’s hard to distinguish individual songs within the cramped, rumbling ball of sound they make onstage. It does what heavy music does best: It creates vibrations so powerful I can feel my clothes shake and pressure build in my guts.

‘Coming Through The Rye’ is an Insult to J.D. Salinger
Both the film and Catcher In The Rye mirror the ideas of coming of age, and share common plot points like running away from boarding school and the main character being a melodramatic twat.

Dept. of Misc. Review, Etc. — Vol. 1
Welcome to the Dept. of Misc. Review, Etc. This is where we review random things in a random format so we can pretend like our opinion matters.