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Zelda Vaporwave is the Bestwave

Zelda Vaporwave is the Bestwave

Not only do these mixtapes feature some above-average vaporwave, much of it Nintendo themed, they also have psyched-out speedruns of the best Zelda games in history.
No Volcano's 'Take My Chances' Is Our Grossest Music Video Yet (Premiere)

No Volcano’s ‘Take My Chances’ Is Our Grossest Music Video Yet (Premiere)

"This video is a statement about Obamacare and healthcare in Amerika," says Troy before sheepishly admitting, "not really, but if I say that maybe some conservative weblog will repost it."
Donald P. Lovecraft, Or, The Doom That Came To Manhattan

Donald P. Lovecraft, Or, The Doom That Came To Manhattan

Doesn't Donald Trump seem like a fucking nightmare? A strange apparition that has long haunted our souls but is only now gaining power? Well, The Klute certainly feels that way.
Five Reasons Why Arizona Should Drain Tempe Town Lake

Five Reasons Why Arizona Should Drain Tempe Town Lake

Seriously, the water is disgusting. No one can even swim in it. You can rent an expensive fucking boat to go around in a circle or you just watch it from the "Tempe Beach Park" which is like some sand and some fucking benches. It's hardly a beach.
Abandoniers! -- The Night Climbers Of Cambridge

Abandoniers! — The Night Climbers Of Cambridge

These images will make you nostalgic for a time you were never a part of and find yourself sharing something in common with a generation almost a century before.
De'Lunula Exclusive -- Nick Martin's "Black Boots"

De’Lunula Exclusive — Nick Martin’s “Black Boots”

The song is pretty catchy. It features some cool flipbook animation where a chick runs over a pedestrian and also someone gets set on fire.
The New De'Lunula

The New De’Lunula

We're going to continue to throw cool events, go urban exploring and start riots downtown. Fuck the internet. We're gonna go outside more. Join us.
The Philae Comet Landing Was An Inside Job!!!

The Philae Comet Landing Was An Inside Job!!!

Blow your mind! With facts!
No Volcano -- "New York Drugstore" (Video Premiere)

No Volcano — “New York Drugstore” (Video Premiere)

de'Lunula Media is proud to present our latest music video, featuring psychedelic disco heads, cross-dressers reading poetry backwards, and telephones.
Watch the Premiere of "ORANGES," a horror film about fruit.

Watch the Premiere of “ORANGES,” a horror film about fruit.

There's really not anything else to say about it. There's fruit. It's scary. Watch it below.
How To Pronounce de'Lunula

How To Pronounce de’Lunula

Coming up with a name for a publication is fucking hard.
Some Local Bands Doing Their Thing

Some Local Bands Doing Their Thing

We've got live coverage of Drunk & Horny, Snail Quail, Dadadoh, Sara Robinson + The Midnight Special and many more!