![How to prevent misunderstanding while communicating when stressed[edit] How to prevent misunderstanding while communicating when stressed[edit]](https://delunula.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/copingthrough-laughter-290x290.png)
How to prevent misunderstanding while communicating when stressed[edit]
By following the above techniques and guidelines, the chance of a miscommunication in a conversation will decrease. CTRL+C, CTRL+V.

Get Traumatized Learning About Traumatic Insemination! — WikiHole
goddamn aren’t bugs fucked up tho.

Memes Are Stupid — Do Banks Steal From You?
Memes are idiotic in general, but the worst memes are vaguely political or scientific in some manner.

Don’t Let The Penis-Faced Saiga Antelope Die From The Sniffles — WikiHole
Imagine ol weiner nose here drooling snot everywhere. Just gallons and gallons of snot dripping all over, everywhere, it won't stop, it just keeps frothing and drooling and collecting dirt and it's the red-green-orange kind of phlegm just discharging and ejecting from the Willy Nostrils.

WTF Is A ‘Hell Pig?’ — WikiHole
These giant assholes not only look terrifying, they were mean motherfuckers.

Is Majoring In Journalism A Waste Of Time?
Even though I haven't been interested in journalism in the past, should I still pursue it as a major?

My Life As A Corporate Shill Ain’t So Bad
We all want to fuck each other, I think. I want to fuck my boss, and also her boss. She'd do it if it weren't for her pesky children and mortgage. At work we can make all the vague innuendos we want, and alcoholism is a vice accepted with a knowing wink. I told all...