Ethanol Dossier — Cold Drinks from a Cold Man
Amidst all the normal “beat the heat” summer bullshit, I figured I’d give you a few tasty beverages that will keep your brain from boiling. Let’s jump right in, shall we?

Ethanol Dossier- Infusion, Round 2!
Now, since we know you pinch pennies harder than Scrooge McDuck’s ass, we’ll show you some good frugal tricks. Here are recipes to make the equivalents of several popular drinks at those frat boy parties you love to attend.

Ethanol Dossier- The Delightful Art of Alcohol Infusion
Today we shall add infusing to the list of excellent skills taught to you by we sages at De'Lunula.

Ethanol Dossier– The Elixir of Youth
This elixir will detox your vitamin glands way more than your cold-press enema squeeze could ever hope to!

Ethanol Dossier — The McCarthy Cowboy
You will need one ounce of diced prickly pear fruit, pulled with your hand from a cactus in a country not lush yet rampant with unseen life. (Just kidding, go to Food City.)

Ethanol Dossier — An AmeriCan in VietNam
While I was pondering those wicked times in the jungle, I decided to make a cocktail to soothe my nerves and tickle my traumatized palate.

Ethanol Dossier — The Almond Joy/Mounds Cocktail
It tastes exactly like liquified obscure Mars bars.

Ethanol Dossier — The Blueberry Peach Cobbler
It is a drink based upon a delicious dish I encountered in the northeastern portion of our country, specifically in the outskirts of Philadelphia.