Author Archive

The ‘Angel Bay Files’ is the Only Detective Show with Fish Actors
The Angel Bay Files isn't your typical detective show, given how often there are fish pooping in it.

Scenes From Semi-Social at The Trunk Space (Plus a Video)
So a lot of great bands played at Trunk Space on Friday, one of the last shows before the venue closes.

Top 5 Things You Really Don’t Care About But The Title Is Fucking Catchy So You’ll Waste 20 Minutes Anyway
Anything to liberate you from the lackluster task of sitting in an office, staring at a computer screen for eight hours. And now you're stuck in that beautiful limbo of useless, attractive information saturation that you will promptly forget on the train ride home.

The Weirdest and Bestest Things We Saw at Grand Avenue Fest
This year was one of the bestest fests Grand Avenue has seen, so even if it's all Starbucks and Urban Outfitters in a decade or so, it sure was pretty while it lasted. Here's proof.

The Weirdest and Bestest Things We Saw at the Southwest Cannabis Expo
If this is just the first of these conferences in Phoenix, you can be sure next year, when Arizona will most certainly have recreational marijuana on the ballot, will be even more massive. And the year after that. And so on. There's a lot of money to be made in medical marijuana — and...

Behold Arizona Artist Dean Chetwynd’s Apocalyptic Visions
While Chetwynd’s worldview is, to say the least, unconventional, there’s little doubt that he’s a talent that pays closer attention to global headlines than most. Whether or not one can find accord with his outlandish beliefs, his intricate technique and unique perspective are arresting. Stylistically, it falls somewhere between ‘80s black light posters and cover...

Holy Shit Super Mario Bros. Came Out 30 Years Ago Who Gives A Shit Idiots That’s Who
It is September 13th, 2015 and Super Mario Bros. came out on September 13th, 1985. That is exactly 30 years! I AM ON TIME FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE WITH THIS POINTLESS SHIT!

Some Things I Saw Last Weekend
These are things that I saw over the weekend and I didn't forget my camera this time or take really bad, blurry, low-light photos. Just look at the pictures and stop reading this.

Naytronix – Mister Divine
Personally, I'm glad glitch art is trendy. I hope all the stupid idiot 13-year old kids who are too young to get it and complain in YewToob comments get more and more angry. I hope glitch art takes over the world.