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How To Pronounce de'Lunula

How To Pronounce de’Lunula

Coming up with a name for a publication is fucking hard.
We Gave Travis James Bath Salts For Some Reason

We Gave Travis James Bath Salts For Some Reason

While shooting for an upcoming video with Andy Warpigs, we stumbled upon a Bath Salts stash from 2011, assumed to be MDPV or mephedrone.
Apocalyptic Desserts You Can Make Using Rotten Apples And Mexican Candy

Apocalyptic Desserts You Can Make Using Rotten Apples And Mexican Candy

Alternatively, if you and your partner are fed up by the lack of dessert and you’re both tired of living a sham of a life in the post-apocalyptic world, then do this: take some bread, soak it in anti freeze, and heartily consume. Antifreeze is quite sweet, and that will help when the kidney failure...
Chemtrails Are Obviously Causing Global Warming. Thanks, Secret Atlantis.

Chemtrails Are Obviously Causing Global Warming. Thanks, Secret Atlantis.

Some people say that the chemtrails are just huge quantities of harmless ice shards floating up in the sky. These people are clearly lying, as anything that convenient and scientifically plausible has to be a secret cover-up, right? Besides, ice can't float in air! Everyone knows that! So these things must be poison. But who...
There's No Such Thing As Priceless Artifacts, or, Why Lazlo Toth Might Not Be The Anti-Christ

There’s No Such Thing As Priceless Artifacts, or, Why Lazlo Toth Might Not Be The Anti-Christ

I'm an artist myself, responsible for at least 50 such wall hangings so far and may they all be used for toilet paper (should the need arise) before they ever inspire rudeness, greed and undue cruelty.
LinkedIn is as Jealous and Insecure as my Ex-Girlfriend.

LinkedIn is as Jealous and Insecure as my Ex-Girlfriend.

Of course I click. Fuck you LinkedIn, for appealing to my base desires. Pride, greed, envy, selfishness. All these things are embedded beneath one stupid, desperate cry for attention from a motherfucking social media platform.
Ethanol Dossier -- An AmeriCan in VietNam

Ethanol Dossier — An AmeriCan in VietNam

While I was pondering those wicked times in the jungle, I decided to make a cocktail to soothe my nerves and tickle my traumatized palate.
Complicated Books Summarized in Haiku Form

Complicated Books Summarized in Haiku Form

People need your rule Rule them with a candy fist Keep them smiling scared
How To Make Ketchup Soup So You Don't Starve In The Apocalypse

How To Make Ketchup Soup So You Don’t Starve In The Apocalypse

If done right (wrong?) your soup will look as appetizing as this.