Let Them Slam Lysol Spray
"Hey, you kids wanna mainline some bleach?" The president offers our nation's senior citizens hope in our most dire of times.

Warren Ellis’ “Normal” Is A Mad Trip On A “Speeding Death Kaleidoscope Made Out Of Tits”
Warren Ellis' new novel "Normal" is a tensely written, fascinating, hilarious, and unnerving look at our insanity-inducing future.

Dial Z For Zine Reviews
Zines are cool, like punk rock and sex with attractive people and drugs that get you high. Here are some reviews of zines and places you can get them.

Watch ‘The Back Road,’ An Apocalyptic Doc about Dean Chetwynd’s Dark Art
The doc explores Dean Chetwynd's troubled, abusive childhood and the long journey that brought him to Cottonwood, Arizona, all while making some of the most intriguing, unsettling art in the state.

Guns, Tuition, & Fear: Considering an International Student Perspective
The international students I teach were scared. These horrific murders would scare anyone, but imagine confronting these realities as an outsider here, without a support system and with little understanding of why this keeps happening in the country you’ve chosen to call home for four years ... Why do we always choose the easiest path...

What Dogs Think About While High on Cannabis (Canineabis)
I’m not going to make the jokes about dogs getting the munchies for Milk Bones. That’s stupid.

CHERNOBYL UPDATE: Mutants Are Not Rampaging, Not Eliminating Mankind
I swear to god, every single day another futuristic sci-fi idea gets destroyed by facts. I hate it.

The fittest make love
for children like their parents.
Tough luck, dinosaurs.

Exclusive: Excerpts from Troy Farah’s New Zine, ‘Lilliputian.’
de'Lunula Media are proud to present our latest zine: Lilliputian, by Troy Farah. It's 22 pages of poems, flash fiction and other manic-depressive scraps. Read some of it here, then go pick up a copy. It's available here at our brand new store.