Scenes From Semi-Social at The Trunk Space (Plus a Video)
So a lot of great bands played at Trunk Space on Friday, one of the last shows before the venue closes.

The Weirdest and Bestest Things We Saw at Grand Avenue Fest
This year was one of the bestest fests Grand Avenue has seen, so even if it's all Starbucks and Urban Outfitters in a decade or so, it sure was pretty while it lasted. Here's proof.

The Weirdest and Bestest Things We Saw at the Southwest Cannabis Expo
If this is just the first of these conferences in Phoenix, you can be sure next year, when Arizona will most certainly have recreational marijuana on the ballot, will be even more massive. And the year after that. And so on. There's a lot of money to be made in medical marijuana — and...

Some Things I Saw Last Weekend
These are things that I saw over the weekend and I didn't forget my camera this time or take really bad, blurry, low-light photos. Just look at the pictures and stop reading this.

Another Goodwill, Another 32mb SD Card
Somewhere between the millions of years it took these grand canyons to form and what would appear to be the year 2047 there is, the horseman.

PHIXATIVE — Ryan Avery’s Disposable Love
Ryan Avery is in more Phoenix bands than any of us can count and he's also doing something that, to most normal Valley suburbanites, seems pretty insane.

Strange Rumblings At The Indie 500
The Trunk Space is a place where it's safe to be weird and have fun.

All The Cats From Miami, AZ
Last weekend, we were at the Sixth Annual Miami Loco Fest, which is when a bunch of drug addled freaks from Arizona's arts scene takes over a small mining town some 90 miles east of Phoenix called Miami.

Shiny Vibes Down In The Desert (a Hazy Weekend at Tucson’s Gem and Jam 2015)
It wasn't the use, rather the overuse that seemed so unappealing. Call me old fashioned but I think dancefloors were made to dance on, not unconsciously roll-around-on.

PHIXATIVE: Ryan Buchanan’s Minolta Mélange
Ryan Buchanan is a dude with a mustache from Mesa, Arizona, who also shoots lots of film on Minolta. These pictures are like, cool and stuff.

Some Local Bands Doing Their Thing
We've got live coverage of Drunk & Horny, Snail Quail, Dadadoh, Sara Robinson + The Midnight Special and many more!

PHIXATIVE — Marija Majerle’s Lonesome, Introverted Wilderness
Don't create an image because you think other people will like it. Make images that you like and figure out why.