On Grabbing Ass: A Delightful Game For Oldentyme Gentlemen
There are many, many styles of play, though there are very few teams; it is more or less a solo sport, like golf or blumpkins.
The fittest make love
for children like their parents.
Tough luck, dinosaurs.
Behold Arizona Artist Dean Chetwynd’s Apocalyptic Visions
While Chetwynd’s worldview is, to say the least, unconventional, there’s little doubt that he’s a talent that pays closer attention to global headlines than most. Whether or not one can find accord with his outlandish beliefs, his intricate technique and unique perspective are arresting. Stylistically, it falls somewhere between ‘80s black light posters and cover...
Exclusive: Excerpts from Troy Farah’s New Zine, ‘Lilliputian.’
de'Lunula Media are proud to present our latest zine: Lilliputian, by Troy Farah. It's 22 pages of poems, flash fiction and other manic-depressive scraps. Read some of it here, then go pick up a copy. It's available here at our brand new store.
Keep Your Kids Straight and Patriotic by Sending Them to Camp
That’s not a joke; there is a summer camp for the childrens to learn about the ways of the Confederacy, since the northern scumbags that won the war are teaching a version of history that demonizes the noble Southern Man. You can’t even give them the benefit of the doubt and pretend they are legitimately...
No Volcano – ‘The Long Game’ (Music Video Premiere)
De'Lunula Media, in partnership with Vanishing House Productions, are thrilled to present our latest visual offering: No Volcano's "The Long Game." A music video loosely based on "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" by Hans Christian Andersen, this ominous rabbit-hole trip combines shadow puppetry with taxidermic beetles and kaleidoscopic disasters.
Complicated Marriages Summarized In Haiku
Crazy teenagers
have perfect relationships
for tragic endings
Five Reasons Why Arizona Should Drain Tempe Town Lake
Seriously, the water is disgusting. No one can even swim in it. You can rent an expensive fucking boat to go around in a circle or you just watch it from the "Tempe Beach Park" which is like some sand and some fucking benches. It's hardly a beach.
Ethanol Dossier- The Delightful Art of Alcohol Infusion
Today we shall add infusing to the list of excellent skills taught to you by we sages at De'Lunula.
WikiHole — What Up, Phoenix
I’m sitting here, having just wasted three hours only to remind myself how little I actually know about anything. I’m in awe, once again, at the cyclic nature of humanity, how little has really changed when it comes down to it, and how knowledge is so beautiful.
Beware the foul, sinful knowledge of the… VEGANOMICON
Horrible screams of elder knowledge screeched forth and try as I might, I could not close it. Deafening, terrifying names belched for from the book in unknowable tongues; I can remember but a few for I fainted away within a minute.